- Introduced in United States in 2013, and adaptation is increasing at U.S. hospitals as of 2020
- Both High Sensitivity Troponin I and Troponin T Assays are available in U.S.
- Where negative hs-cTnT <3 ng/L
- Test Sensitivity: 100%
- Test Specificity: 34%
- Positive Predictive Value: 25%
- Negative Predictive Value: 100%
- Highly sensitive assays are 1,000 to 10,000 more sensitive than older assays (measured in pg/ml instead of ng/ml)
- Test Sensitivity is considerably better (97% sensitive) with high sensitivity assays (fewer False Negatives, NPV 99.1%)
- Less imprecision at discriminatory values (i.e. abnormal values are highly reproducible on repeat measurement)
- Abnormal rise is detected more quickly than with older assays
- Time to run high sensitivity assay is shorter
- Significantly worse Test Specificity than with older assays (with significantly higher False Positive Rate)
- See Troponin for False Positive causes
- hs-Troponin Is detectable in 50% of healthy patients
- hs-Troponin Is positive in 2% of normal patients (>99th percentile)
- hs-Troponin I
- Female: <55 ng/L
- Male: <80 ng/L
- hs-Troponin I (on Emergency Department arrival)
- Normal: <3 ng/L (undetectable)
- Excludes ACS if >3 hours from onset of symptoms (if HEART Score <=3, negative acute EKG changes)
- Repeat at 2 hours if <3 hours of symptoms or as dictated by other findings (e.g. EKG, risks)
- Intermediate: 3 to 119 ng/L (indication for repeat testing)
- Repeat hs-Troponin at 2 hours after first
- Positive for ACS if increased >20 ng/L over first value (or >120 ng/L)
- Disposition
- Close outpatient follow-up for possible stress testing OR
- Continued observation with possible stress testing, third hs-Troponin, cardiology Consultation
- Third hs-Troponin Increased >20% over first Troponin Is concerning for ACS
- Repeat hs-Troponin at 2 hours after first
- Positive: >120 ng/L
- Treat as Acute Coronary Syndrome
- References
- (2021) H-Health Fairview High Sensitivity Troponin I Protocol
- Lazarides (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(11): 2-8
- Swaminathan and Mattu (2020) EM:Rap 20(6): 4-5
- Baugh (2019) Crit Pathw Cardiol 18(1):1-4 [PubMed]
- Body (2011) J Am Coll Cardiol 58(13): 1332-9 [PubMed]
- Januzzi (2019) J Am Coll Cardiol 73(9):1059-77 [PubMed]
- Mueller (2016) T Ann Emerg Med 68(1): 76-87 +PMID: 26794254 [PubMed]
- Newby (2012) J Am Coll Cardiol 60(23): 2427-63 [PubMed]