
Musculoskeletal Injury Management


Musculoskeletal Injury Management, Physical Therapy Prescription

  1. See Acute Pain Management
  2. See Acute Pain Management in Children
  3. Home management
    1. Local Cold Therapy (as well as other RICE-M modalities)
    2. Gentle active range of motion
    3. Isometric Exercise
  4. Physical therapy modalities (daily for 5 days)
    1. Electrical Muscle Stimulation
    2. Pulsed Ultrasound
    3. Gentle massage
  5. Therapeutic Goals
    1. Decrease swelling and pain
    2. Improve range of motion
    3. Speed healing
  1. Home management
    1. Local Heat Therapy
    2. Active range of motion and Stretching
    3. Isotonic Exercise
  2. Physical therapy modalities (three times weekly for 2 weeks)
    1. Electrical Muscle Stimulation
    2. Iontophoresis
    3. Massage and joint mobilization
  3. Therapeutic Goals
    1. Improve range of motion and function
    2. Improve Muscle tone
  1. See Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Management
  2. See Low Back Pain Management
  3. Home management
    1. Contrast Bath
    2. Muscle Strengthening and joint stabilization
    3. Active range of motion and Stretching
    4. Isotonic Exercise
  4. Physical therapy modalities (twice weekly for 4 weeks)
    1. Continuous Ultrasound Therapy
    2. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
    3. Myofascial release techniques
  5. Therapeutic Goals
    1. Normalize tissue length
    2. Normalize Activities of Daily Living