- Screening Test
- Contingency Grid or Cross Tab (includes Statistics Example)
- Bayes Theorem (Bayesian Statistics)
- Fagan Nomogram
- Experimental Error (Experimental Bias)
- Lead-Time Bias
- Length Bias
- Selection Bias (Screening Bias)
- Likelihood Ratio (Positive Likelihood Ratio, Negative Likelihood Ratio)
- Number Needed to Screen (Number Needed to Treat, Absolute Risk Reduction, Relative Risk Reduction)
- Negative Predictive Value
- Positive Predictive Value
- Pre-Test Odds or Post-Test Odds
- Receiver Operating Characteristic
- Test Sensitivity (False Negative Rate)
- Test Specificity (False Positive Rate)
- Rating A: Good Evidence to Support
- Pap Smear for Cervical Cancer
- Mammogram for Breast Cancer after age 50 years
- Rating B: Fair Evidence to Support
- Rating C: Insufficient Evidence to Recommend
- Mammogram for Breast Cancer age 40-49 years
- Rating D: Fair Evidence Against
- Rating E: Good Evidence Against
- Level I
- Evidence from 1 or more randomized controlled trials
- Level II-1
- Evidence from controlled trials, but no randomization
- Level II-2
- Evidence from cohort or case-control studies
- Level II-3
- Evidence from multiple time or historic controls
- Level III
- Expert opinion based on clinical experience
- (1996) USPSTF Clinical Preventative Services, 2d ed