- Hip Joint Injection
- Hip Osteoarthritis or inflammatory Arthritis
- Needle aspiration in suspected septic hip
- Corticosteroid Injection is contraindicated in possible Septic Joint
- Hip Joint Ultrasound Technique
- Usually performed under Ultrasound (Curvilinear transducer 5 MHz)
- Locate and avoid the femoral artery and femoral vein
- Visualize the femoral neck in the logitudinal plane (oblique)
- Identify the junction of the femoral head and the femoral neck
- Needle inserted from lateral position directed medially toward femoral neck
- Prepare the skin (e.g. Chlorhexidine)
- Needle: 20 to 22 gauge (2.5 to 3.5 inch spinal needle)
- Methylprednisolone: 1 ml of 40 mg/ml OR
- Betamethasone (Celestone Soluspan): 1 ml of 6 mg/ml
- Triamcinolone 40 mg
- Dexamethasone 8 mg
Anesthetic: 5 ml
- Lidocaine 1%
- Trochanteric bursa