- Plain XRay - Radiation Exposure to unshielded Uterus
- Abdominal XRay
- PA: 0.1 - 0.3 RADS (1 to 3 mGy)
- AP: <0.9 RADS (<9 mGy)
- Lumbar Spine XRay: 0.35 to 0.62 RADS (3.5 to 6.2 mGy)
- Pelvis XRay (AP): 0.04 to 0.24 RADS (0.4 to 2.4 mGy)
- Hip and femur: 0.051 to 0.37 RADS (0.51 to 3.7 mGy)
- Minimal to no radition exposure (<0.01 RADS or <0.1 mGy)
- Chest XRay
- Cervical Spine XRay
- Thoracic Spine XRay (AP)
- Upper or lower extremity (not including hip)
- CT - Radiation exposure to unshielded Uterus
- See CT-associated Radiation Exposure
- CT Upper Abdomen (10 slice) : 0.24 to 2.6 RADS (2.4 to 26 mGy)
- CT Entire Abdomen: <4.6 RADS (<46 mGy)
- CT Head: <0.05 RADS (<0.5 mGy)
- CT Pelvis: 0.73 to 4.6 RADS (7.3 to 46 mGy)
- CT Chest: 0.10 to 0.45 RADS (1 to 4.5 mGy)
- CT Lumbar Spine: 3.5 RADS (35 mGy)
- Miscellaneous Contrast Studies
- Barium Enema: 0.7 to 4.0 RADS (7 to 40 mGy)
- Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP): 0.36 to 1.40 RADS (3.6 to 14 mGy)
- Ventilation-Perfusion Scan: 0.06 to 1.0 RADS (0.6 to 10 mGy)
- Upper GI Series: 0.048 to 0.36 RADS (0.48 to 3.6 mGy)
- Harmful Radiation Levels to fetus
- RADS: 0
- Childhood Cancer risk 0.3% (background, baseline risk without radiation esposure)
- RADS: <5 (mGy <50)
- Childhood Cancer risk 0.3 to 1%
- RADS: >10 (mGy >100)
- Gestational age 3-4 weeks
- Spontaneous Abortion risk (especially in first 2 weeks)
- Gestational age 5-8 weeks
- Major fetal malformations or IUGR in surviving fetus (especially in exposure <47 days Gestational age)
- Gestational age 8-15 weeks (fetogenesis)
- Live fetus
- Risk of congenital malformation increased 1 to 3%
- Mental Retardation and other CNS effects
- Microcephaly
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Childhood Cancer risk 1-6%
- Gestational age 3-4 weeks
- RADs: 5-50 (mGy 50-500)
- Childhood Cancer risk >1-6%
- RADs: >50 (mGy >500)
- Childhood Cancer risk >6%
- High risk of abortion, major malformations, reduced IQ
- Reduction of fetal exposure
- Avoid radiation exposure in first trimester
- Consider cone to focus radiation beam
- Focus on suspected area of concern
- Shield gravid Pelvis
- Avoid dental radiography during pregnancy
- Associated with Low Birth Weight Infants
- Likely mediated via Thyroid exposure
- Hujoel (2004) JAMA 291:1987-93 [PubMed]
- CDC Radiation Exposure in Pregnancy
- Hirashima (2014) Crit Dec Emerg Med 28(6):12-18
- North (2002) J Am Coll Surg 194:100-1 [PubMed]
- De Santis (2007) Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 81(3): 177-82 [PubMed]
- Doll (1997) Br J Radiol 70:130-9 [PubMed]
- Streffer (2003) Ann ICRP 33(1-2):5-206 [PubMed]
- Williams (2010) Am Fam Physician 82(5): 488-93 [PubMed]