
Mental Status Consolidated Screening


Mental Status Consolidated Screening, Mental Status Quick Exam

  • Technique
  • Validated brief test
  1. Questions (6 point test)
    1. Remember 3 objects: Apple, Table, Penny
    2. What year is this? (1 point)
    3. What month is this? (1 point)
    4. What is the day of the week? (1 point)
    5. What were the 3 objects? (1 point each)
  2. Interpretation
    1. No errors: Cognitive Impairment unlikely
    2. Three or more errors: High likelihood of Dementia
  3. References
    1. Callahan (2002) Med Care 40:771-81 [PubMed]
  • Technique
  • Other brief testing
  1. General
    1. Pick 1-2 tests to use for quick screening
    2. Failure on screening requires Mental Status Exam
  2. Clock Drawing Test
  3. Time and Change Test
  4. Verbal Fluency Test
    1. Screens for Language and Executive Functioning Impairment
  5. Make Change
    1. Here is 67 cents (and tester gives patient change)
    2. Please give me 32 cents (patient gives back coins)
  6. WORLD Testing
    1. Spell WORLD
    2. Spell WORLD Backwards
    3. Alphabetize letters in WORLD
  7. Orientation
    1. Day of week and Date
    2. Current address
    3. Current president
  • History suggestive of Dementia
  1. Repetitive questioning may be early marker of Dementia
    1. Ready (2003) J Am Geriatr Soc 51:32-7 [PubMed]