- Prophylaxis or Treatment of Malaria
- Preferred Malaria Prophylaxis agent in Chloroquine resistance areas (esp. longterm travel >6 months)
- Less commonly used for Malaria treatment
- Mefloquine resistant Malaria regions (some regions within southeast asia)
- History of Epilepsy (Seizure Disorder)
- History of major psychiatric disorder
- Cardiac conduction abnormalities (esp. QTc Prolongation)
- Concomitant Beta Blocker use
- First Trimester Pregnancy
- May be used in second or third trimester pregnancy
- Children under age 3 months
- Structural analog of Quinine
- Mefloquine Tablets: 250 mg
- Take with food and full 8 oz glass of water
- Tablets may be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water, milk or other liquids
- Protocol
- Start dosing 1 week before exposure
- Complete dosing 4 weeks after exposure
- Adult
- Mefloquine 250 mg salt (228 mg base) orally once weekly
- Child
- Weight <9 kg
- Mefloquine 5 mg/kg salt (4.6 mg/kg base) orally once weekly
- Weight 9 to 19 kg
- Mefloquine 1/4 of adult tablet orally once per week
- Weight: 20 to 30 kg
- Mefloquine 1/2 of adult tablet orally once per week
- Weight: 31 to 45 kg
- Mefloquine 3/4 of adult tablet orally once per week
- Weight: >45 kg
- Mefloquine 1 adult tablet (250 mg) orally once per week
- Dosing
Malaria Treatment (CDC Guidelines)
- Adult
- Dose 1: Mefloquine 750 mg salt (684 mg base)
- Dose 2: Mefloquine 500 mg salt (456 mg base) in 8 to 12 hours after first dose
- Child
- Dose 1: Mefloquine 15 mg/kg salt (13.7 mg/kg base)
- Dose 2: Mefloquine 10 mg/kg salt (9.1 mg/kg base) in 8 to 12 hours after first dose
Half-Life: 33 days
- Steady state reached
- Weekly dose: 7 weeks
- Loading dose: 4 days
- Vestibular toxicity
- Risk of longterm Vertigo and Tinnitus
Arrhythmia in patients with cardiac conduction defect
- QT Prolongation
- Sinus Bradycardia
- Neuropsychological effects (uncommon 1:200 to 1:500, but is a FDA black box warning)
- Insomnia
- Nightmares
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Major Depression
- Possible increased Suicidality
- Psychosis (paranoia, Hallucinations) or Seizures (rare)
- Prophylaxis Incidence: <1:10,000
- Treatment Incidence: 1:100 to 1:1500
- Considered safe in Lactation
- However, infant is not protected from Malaria by Breast Feeding (minimal medication in Breast Milk)
- Pregnancy Category B
- No significant adverse fetal affects in studies (any trimester)
- Avoid Mefloquine for at least 12 hours after last dose of the following
- Quinidine
- Quinine
- Chloroquine
- Agents to avoid overall with Mefloquine
- Ziprasidone
- Agents that decrease Mefloquine levels
- Rifampin
- Agents that are decreased by Mefloquine
- Valproate