Sinus Bradycardia


Sinus Bradycardia

  • Pathophysiology
  1. Normal pattern in healthy adults and athletes
    1. Baseline Bradycardia suggests physical conditioning
  2. Other causes of Sinus Bradycardia
    1. See Drug Induced Bradycardia
    2. Hypothermia
    3. Severe infection
    4. Jaundice
    5. Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity
      1. Tight shirt collar
    6. Excessive parasympathetic stimulation
      1. Acute inferior wall Myocardial Infarction
    7. Decreased sympathetic stimulation (medications)
  • Diagnostics
  • EKG Findings
  1. Regular rhythm with rate at <50 to 60 beats per minute
  2. Normal and consistent P-wave morphology
  3. Normal PR-Interval duration
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Management
  1. Usually physiologic and requires no treatment
  2. If hemodynamically unstable, see Unstable Bradycardia