- Fever Without Focus
- Fever Without Focus Management Birth to 3 Months
- Fever Without Focus Management 3 to 36 months
- Philadelphia Criteria for Febrile Infant 29-60 days
- Milwaukee Criteria for Febrile Infant 28-56 days
- Boston Criteria for Febrile Infant 28-89 days
- Yale Scale for Febrile Child 3 to 36 months
- Pediatric Sepsis
- Neonatal Sepsis
- Fever Without Focus Red Flags
- Assessment of febrile child (>38 C) aged less than 60 days
- Reassures against serious infection (Occult Bacteremia)
- Reassuring if all criteria are present
- Well appearing infant
- No skeletal, soft tissue, skin or ear infections
- Full term birth
- No prior illness
- No prior hospitalizations
- Not hospitalized longer than mother after delivery
- No prior Antibiotics
- No Hyperbilirubinemia
- No chronic or underlying illness
Complete Blood Count normal
- White Blood Cell Count normal (5000 to 15,000/mm3)
- Band Neutrophils < 1,500/mm3
- Other Lab Findings
- If Diarrhea is present, Fecal Leukocytes <5 WBC/hpf
- Urine White Blood Cells <10 WBC/hpf
- Occult Bacteremia risk
- Well-appearing febrile infant risk: 7-9%
- All Rochester reassuring criteria present: <1%
- Supports discharge to home with close follow-up and no empiric Antibiotics
- Test Sensitivity: 92%
- Test Specificity: 50%
- Positive Predictive Value: 12.3%
- Negative Predictive Value: 98.9%