- Prevalence: 10% worldwide
- Asymptomatic cyst carriage in 90% cases
- Symptomatic cases per year: 50 million worldwide
- Fatalities per year: 100,000
- Mental health institutions (High Prevalence)
- Crowded living conditions
- Poor sanitation
- Travel to endemic areas
- Asia
- Africa
- Latin America
- Two forms
- Cyst (12 um diameter): Spheres with up to 4 nucleii
- Divides into trophozoites in Small Intestine
- Cysts can survive weeks in moist environment
- Trophozoite (25 um long)
- Contains 1 nucleus and ingested RBCs
- Moves via finger-like pseudopods toward colon
- Some trophozoites transform into cysts
- Cyst (12 um diameter): Spheres with up to 4 nucleii
- Results in enterocolitis
- Intraluminal disease
- Profuse Diarrhea with malabsorption
- Ulceration of colon and terminal ilium
- Intestinal bleeding
- Systemic dissemination
- Intraluminal disease
- Transmission via fecal-oral route
- See Waterborne Illness
- See Foodborne Illness
- Food preparation contaminated by poor hygiene
- Human waste used for crop fertilization
- Oral-anal sex
- Acute
- Fulminant onset
- Cramping, moderate to severe Abdominal Pain
- Bloody, profuse Diarrhea
- Mucus in stools
- Tenesmus
- Malaise
- Chronic
- Normal stools alternate with symptomatic phase
- Acute
- Fever
- Diffuse abdominal tenderness
- Dehydration
- Weight loss
- Chronic
- Fever
- Tenderness and cramping of cecum and ascending colon
Liver Abscess (within 5 months of onset)
- Fever (10-15 of cases)
- RUQ Abdominal Pain or liver tenderness
- Liver friction rub if Liver Abscess present
- Diarrhea (33% of cases)
- See Waterborne Illness
- See Foodborne Illness
- Appendicitis
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (especially Crohn's Disease)
- Ameboma growth into intestinal lumen
- Risk of Bowel Obstruction
- Risk of Intussusception
- Toxic Megacolon
- Pneumatosis coli
- Abscess formation
- Lung Abscess
- Brain Abscess
- Liver Abscess
- See signs above
- Risk of rupture
- Risk factors for complication
- Multiple cysts or cysts >10 cm in size
- Superior right liver lobe involvement
- Left liver lobe involvement
- Course
- Spontaneous resolution by 6 months in 66%
- Persist >1 year in 10%
- Entamoeba histolytica by stool PCR (preferred)
- Entamoeba histolytica by stool Antigen testing
- Test Sensitivity: 87%
- Test Specificity: >90%
Ova and Parasite exam (3 samples required)
- Precaution: Microscopy alone does not distinguish E histolytica from the benign E. dispar
- Fresh Stool Exam with Microscopy and gross exam
- Motile or encysted organisms
- Watery stool with mucus or blood
Liver Function Tests
- Alkaline Phosphatase increased in 75% of cases
- Serum Aminotransaferases (AST, ALT) increased in 50% of cases
- Serum Bilirubin is typically normal
- Other stool tests
- Fecal Leukocytes positive
- Occult blood positive
- Fecal Eosinophilia (Charcot-Leyden crystals present)
- Endoscopy
- Mimics Crohn's Disease
- Colonic ulcerations
- Discrete ulcers of variable depth in right colon
- Exudative hyperemic ulcers with small Hemorrhages
- Biopsy
- Intramural trophozoites at edge of ulceration
Barium Enema may show Ameboma
- Irregular barium distribution in ascending colon
- Right Upper Quadrant Ultrasound
- Hepatic Abscess (oval hypoechoic cyst)
- Asymptomatic cysts
- Preferred agents
- Paromomycin 25-35 mg/kg/day orally divided three times daily for 7 days or
- Iodoquinol (Yodoxin) 650 mg orally three times daily for 20 days
- Alternative agent
- Diloxanide furoate (Furamide) 500 mg orally three times daily for 10 days
- Requires combined use of both tissue and luminal agent
- Tissue agents for trophozoites (choose one)
- Metronidazole (Flagyl) 500 to 750 mg orally three times daily for 7-10 days OR
- Tindazole 2 g orally daily for 3 days
- Luminal agents for cysts (choose one) - start after tissue agent course is completed
- Paromomycin 25-35 mg/kg/day orally divided three times daily for 7 days OR
- Iodoquinol (Yodoxin) 650 mg orally three times daily for 20 days
- Severe disease (e.g. Liver Abscess)
- Requires combined use of both tissue and luminal agent
- Tissue agents for trophozoites (choose one)
- Metronidazole (Flagyl) 750 mg IV three times daily for 10 days or
- Tindazole 2 g orally daily for 5 days
- Luminal agents for cysts (choose one) - start after tissue agent course is completed
- Paromomycin 25-35 mg/kg/day orally divided three times daily for 7 days or
- Iodoquinol (Yodoxin) 650 mg orally three times daily for 20 days
- Gilbert (2015) Sanford Guide to Antimicrobials, accessed on IOS app 5/11/2016
- Kucik (2004) Am Fam Physician 69(5):1161-8 [PubMed]
- Petri (1999) Clin Infect Dis 29:1117-25 [PubMed]