- Thermoregulation (heat dissipation)
- Increased skin Blood Flow
- Increased sweating with Evaporative Cooling
- Merocrine Sweat Gland (Merocrine secretion)
- Make up majority of bodies Sweat Glands
- Most concentrated in palms and soles
- Coiled tubular gland secretes watery fluid
- Sweat composed mainly of hypotonic Sodium chloride
- Released directly onto skin surface
- Innervatation
- Cholinergic fibers of Sympathetic Nervous System
- Stimulation of sweating
- Excessive body heat
- Fear
- Apocrine Sweat Gland (Apocrine Secretion)
- Similar to odiferous glands in mammals
- Sweat Glands in axilla and genital regions
- Not functional until Puberty
- Function fluctuates with Menstrual Cycle in women
- Viscous secretions released via Hair Follicles
- Milky fluid often with odor due to skin flora
- Innervation
- Adrenergic fibers of Sympathetic Nervous System
- Wheater (1987) Functional Histology, p. 130-2
- Murphy in Cotran (1989) Robbins Pathology, p. 1277-8