
Prostate Cancer Staging


Prostate Cancer Staging, Prostate Cancer Stage, TNM Prostate Cancer Staging, ABCD Prostate Cancer Staging, Whitmore Staging

  • See Also
  • Background
  1. TNM staging replaces ABCD\Whitmore Prostate Staging
  • Classification
  • Primary Tumor (T)
  1. Stage T1: Not palpable
    1. Stage T1a: Incidentally cancer present in less than 5% of tissue sampled (e.g. on TURP)
    2. Stage T1b: Incidentally cancer present in greater than 5% of tissue sampled (e.g on TURP)
    3. Stage T1c: Elevated PSA leasd to needle biopsy which revealed positive cancer in tissue sample
  2. Stage T2: Palpable, but limited to Prostate
    1. Stage T2a: Cancer involvement <50% of only one of the two Prostate lobes
    2. Stage T2b: Cancer involvement >50% of only one of the two Prostate lobes
    3. Stage T2c: Cancer involvement in both of the two Prostate lobes
  3. Stage T3: Local spread beyond the Prostate capsule
    1. Stage T3a: Tumor spread through the capsule
    2. Stage T3b: Tumor invasion of either Seminal Vessicle
  4. Stage T4
    1. Regional spread
  1. Stage N0: No spread to regional Lymph Nodes
  2. Stage N1: Spread to regional luymph nodes
  • Classification
  • Distant Metastases (M)
  1. Stage M0: No distant metastasis
  2. Stage M1: Distant metastasis
    1. Stage M1a: Spread to Lymph Nodes outside the regional nodes
    2. Stage M1b: Spread to bone
    3. Stage M1c: Spread to non-bony tissue (with or without bone involvement)
  • Classification
  • Whitmore Staging (replaced by above TNM Staging)
  1. Stage A
    1. Stage A1: Single impalpable lesion (<5% of gland)
    2. Stage A2: Impalpable microscopic lesion (>5% of gland)
  2. Stage B
    1. Stage B1: Palpable Nodule in single lobe
    2. Stage B2: Palpable Nodules
  3. Stage C
    1. Stage C1: Localized disease extending beyond gland
    2. Stage C2: Localized disease includes Seminal Vessicles
  4. Stage D
    1. Stage D1: Pelvic Lymph Node involvement
    2. Stage D2: Bone metastases or distant spread