• Efficacy
  1. Most common surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  2. Reduces symptoms in 88% of patients
  • Complications
  1. Initial adverse effects
    1. Blood loss requiring transfusion: 1%
    2. Mortality: 0.2% (as high as 10% if age over 80 years)
    3. Postoperative Urinary Tract Infection: 5 to 10%
  2. Longterm adverse effects
    1. Unsatisfactory longterm outcome
      1. Inadequate relief of BPH symptoms: 20-25%
      2. Reoperation rate within 10 years: 15 to 20%
    2. Impotence: 5-10% (evaluate potency prior to TURP)
    3. Retrograde ejaculation: 70 to 75%
    4. Urinary Incontinence: 2 to 4%