


Liposuction, Suction Lipolysis, Suction Lipectomy

  • Background
  • High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
  1. Fat >5 L removal is associated with large volume Fluid Shifts with third spacing and Hypovolemia
  2. These patients are typically observed overnight with Urine Output and Vital Sign monitoring
  • Complications
  1. Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST)
  2. Post-operative infection
    1. Typically occurs after 7th postoperative day
    2. Presents with Cellulitis with erythema and purulent drainage
    3. Infection after Liposuction with fat grafting typically requires surgical evaluation, admission and IV antibiotics
      1. However, infection after Liposuction alone in a non-septic patient may often be treated outpatient
  3. High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
    1. Pulmonary Edema
    2. Pleural Effusion
    3. Syncope
  • Imaging
  • High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
  • Labs
  • High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
  1. Complete Blood Count
  2. Electrolytes
  3. Coagulation Studies
  • References
  1. Claudius and LoTempio in Herbert (2018) EM:Rap 18(10): 17-8