• Indications
  1. Wound bed protection with minimal wound disruption
    1. Skin Tear
    2. Skin graft
  • See Also
  1. Foam Dressing (nonadherant, but absorbent)
  • Characteristics
  1. Minimally absorbent
  2. Nonadherant Dressing
  • Technique
  1. Consider application of Antibiotic ointment
  2. Cover with Nonadherant Dressing
  3. Change dressing once to twice daily
  • Advantages
  1. Decreased Trauma to wound base and epithelial cells
  2. Protects a dry healing wound
  • Disadvantages
  1. Minimal to no exudate absorption
  2. Requires frequent dressing change (daily)
  3. Securing requires tape, Transparent Film Dressing or gauze roll
  • References
  1. Bello (2000) JAMA 283(6): 716-8 [PubMed]
  2. Degreef (1998) Dermatol Clin 16(2): 365-75 [PubMed]
  3. Findlay (1996) Am Fam Physician 54(5): 1519-28 [PubMed]
  4. Habif (1996) Clinical Derm, Mosby, p. 810-13
  5. Knapp (1999) Pediatr Clin North Am 46(6):1201-13 [PubMed]
  6. Krasner (1995) Prevention Management Pressure Ulcers
  7. Lewis (1996) Med-Surg Nursing, Mosby, p. 199-200
  8. Lueckenotte (1996) Gerontologic Nurs., Mosby, p. 800-7
  9. PUGP (1995) Am Fam Physician 51(5):1207-22 [PubMed]
  10. PUGP (1994) Pressure Ulcer Treatment, AHCPR 95-0653
  11. Way (1991) Current Surgical, Lange, p.95-108