- Semi-Occlusive Dressing or wound filler
- Absorptive
- Semipermeable
- Adhesive or non-adhesive
- Moisture-retentive
- Good general purpose dressing for variable exudate
- Light to moderately exudative wounds
- Reduction of hypergranulation tissue
- Combination use with Hydrogel Dressing
- Type 2 to 4 Pressure Sores
- Peri-tracheal Wound Dressing (especially Candidiasis)
- Wounds with undermining or tunneling
- Dry wounds with eschar
- Change dressing as little as every 7 days
- Conformable
- Can be used for absorption or wound insulation
- Minimize maceration of peri-wound edges (can be used in areas of fragile skin)
- Can be used under compression (e.g. Unna Boot)
- Expensive
- Requires twice daily care
- No trial data
- Bello (2000) JAMA 283(6): 716-8 [PubMed]
- Degreef (1998) Dermatol Clin 16(2): 365-75 [PubMed]
- Findlay (1996) Am Fam Physician 54(5): 1519-28 [PubMed]
- Habif (1996) Clinical Derm, Mosby, p. 810-13
- Knapp (1999) Pediatr Clin North Am 46(6):1201-13 [PubMed]
- Krasner (1995) Prevention Management Pressure Ulcers
- Lewis (1996) Med-Surg Nursing, Mosby, p. 199-200
- Lueckenotte (1996) Gerontologic Nurs., Mosby, p. 800-7
- PUGP (1995) Am Fam Physician 51(5):1207-22 [PubMed]
- PUGP (1994) Pressure Ulcer Treatment, AHCPR 95-0653
- Way (1991) Current Surgical, Lange, p.95-108