- Finger Laceration or other finger related procedure
- Toe Laceration or other finger related procedure
- Toenail Removal (in Ingrown Toenail)
- Document digital Neurologic Exam prior to procedure
- Clean and prepare injection site with Betadine
- General
- Prepare 27 to 30 gauge 1.25 inch needle
- Use 10 cc control syringe
- Draw up 1% or 2% Lidocaine without Epinephrine
- Use 4 cc for a finger and 6 cc for a toe
- Consider using part bupivicaine 0.25%
- Precautions
- Aspirate before injecting (do not inject into vessel)
- Do not use Epinephrine
- Inject perineurally and not in the nerve
- Withdraw 2 mm if Paresthesias occur (and reinject)
- Technique
- Follow techniques per specific sites as below
- Post-Injection
- Consider small penrose drain to digit base post-block
- Use only for brief period
- Full Anesthesia may require 5-10 minute wait
- Consider small penrose drain to digit base post-block
- Great Toe (Three sided block)
- Avoid ring block (four sided) due to ischemia risk
- Injection sites are just distal to MTP joint
- Step 1: Inject lateral edge of toe
- Needle perpendicular to toe (straight up and down)
- Inject from dorsal to plantar surface
- Use 1-2 cc of Anesthetic
- Step 2: Inject dorsum of toe
- Partially withdraw needle to tip
- Redirect needle across dorsal aspect of toe
- Inject from lateral to medial aspect of toe dorsum
- Step 3: Inject medial toe aspect
- Insert needle perpendicular to medial aspect
- Enter skin via area anesthesized in step 2
- Inject medial aspect of toe with 1-2 cc
- Inject from dorsal to plantar surface
- Alternative to Step 2
- Some recommend injecting plantar aspect instead
- Digital Block for fingers and toes
- Finger Web Space Block (preferred)
- Insert needle into web space distal to MCP
- Angle needle toward dorsal nerve and inject near bone
- Partially withdraw needle to tip
- Redirect needle toward palmer nerve and inject
- Repeat for opposite side of digit
- Finger lateral approach (distal to web space)
- Distal to web space by 1 cm
- Insertion at lateral margin
- Midway between palmar and dorsal aspects
- Insert needle
- Start perpendicular to finger and inject
- Redirect and inject angled toward dorsal surface
- Redirect and inject angled toward palmar surface
- Repeat for medial finger aspect
- Finger dorsal approach (distal to web space)
- Position
- Hand is palm down against the table with fingers abducted
- Insertion site
- Distal to web space by 1 cm at dorsal finger
- Needle entry sites are to either side of finger over the dorsum and directed toward table (palmar aspect)
- Insert needle on the lateral side of the finger (perpendicular to the table)
- Start perpendicular to table and insert needle into dorsal finger
- Inject the dorsal digital nerve
- Continue to advance needle toward table into the palmar aspect of the finger
- Inject the palmar digital nerve
- Repeat for medial finger aspect
- Position
- Toe Digital Block
- Insert needle at toe dorsum distal to MTP
- Needle should be directly midline of toe
- Angle needle to one side of extensor tendon
- Inject from toe dorsum to plantar surface
- Partially withdraw needle to tip
- Redirect needle toward other side of extensor tendon
- Inject from toe dorsum to plantar surface
- Insert needle at toe dorsum distal to MTP
- Ring Block (not recommended)
- Risk of digit ischemia
- Inject 1-2 cc into both sides of digit at web space
- Inject 1-2 cc at lateral digit
- Inject 1-2 cc at medial digit
- Inject 1 cc across dorsal surface of digit
- Insert needle to bone, withdraw 2 mm and inject
- Inject 1 cc across plantar surface of toe
- Transthecal Digital Block (One Injection Digital Anesthesia)
- Indications
- Single injection Digital Nerve Block commonly used by hand surgeons
- Materials
- Bupivicaine (0.25%) 2-3 cc
- Syringe with 27-30 gauge needle (1 to 1.25")
- Preparation
- Patient rests hand in supinated position
- Clean and prepare finger with Topical Antiseptic (e.g. Betadine, Hibiclens)
- Insert needle
- Insert needle at volar aspect, overlying MCP crease on palmar surface in midline, over the flexor tendon
- Angle needle at 45 degrees toward the distal end of the finger (finger tip)
- Advance needle (choose one of the following techniques)
- Classic technique depth (into tendon sheath)
- Advance needle into flexor tendon sheath (withdraw several millimeters if strike bone)
- Modified tenchnique depth (superficial to tendon sheath)
- Advance needle into skin to a depth deeper than that which would raise a wheal, but more superficial than the flexor tendon sheath
- Follow injection (see below) with massage of the deposited bupivicaine into the tendon sheath
- Cannon (2010) Emerg Med J 27(7): 533-6 [PubMed]
- Classic technique depth (into tendon sheath)
- Injection
- Apply volar pressure proximal to injection site
- Deposit Anesthetic at or superficial to tendon sheath (depending on technique above)
- Subcutaneous Single Injection Digital Nerve Block
- Indications
- Finger Anesthesia to finger volar aspect, and the dorsal aspect of the middle and distal phalanx
- Less effective for thumb Anesthesia than other blocks
- Materials
- Bupivicaine 0.25% or Lidocaine 1-2%: 2-3 cc
- Syringe with 27-30 gauge needle (1 to 1.25")
- Preparation
- Patient rests hand in supinated position
- Clean and prepare finger with Topical Antiseptic (e.g. Betadine, Hibiclens)
- Insert needle
- Insert needle at palmar aspect, near base of finger, just distal to the distal palmar crease (and proximal to the MCP crease)
- Needle inserted superficial to the tendon sheath
- Withdraw if needle moves with finger flexion (do not inject into tendon)
- Injection
- Inject into subcutaneous tissue
- Patient should massage the area for 5-10 minutes after injection
- References
- Yiu (2010) Trick of the trade: Single Digital Block, Aliem, accessed 1/8/2022
- Warrington (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(1): 20
- Cannon (2010) Emerg Med J 27(7): 533-6 +PMID: 20360491 [PubMed]
- Wing Block
- Indications
- Paronychia Incision and Drainage
- Materials
- Lidocaine 1% or 2%: 3 cc
- Syringe with 30 gauge needle 1"
- Preparation
- Patient rests hand in pronated position (palm resting against table)
- Clean and prepare finger with Topical Antiseptic (e.g. Betadine, Hibiclens)
- Landmarks
- Intersection of proximal nail fold and lateral nail folds
- Needle insertion point is 3 mm proximal to proximal nail fold and 3 mm lateral to lateral nail fold
- Injection
- Injection 1: Transverse, parallel to proximal nail fold
- Direct needle 45 degrees off skin plane
- Inject along a line parallel and proximal to proximal nail fold
- Injection 2: Longitudinal toward finger tip, parallel to lateral nail fold
- Withdraw needle and reinsert, directing needle 45 degrees off skin plane toward finger tip
- Inject along a line parallel and lateral to lateral nail fold
- Injection 3: Longitudinal toward finger tip (optional), parallel to lateral nail fold
- Withdraw needle and reinsert, directing needle 45 degrees off skin plane toward finger tip
- Inject along a line parallel and lateral to lateral nail fold on other side
- Injection 1: Transverse, parallel to proximal nail fold
- Resources
- YouTube Video (Dr. Leggit)
- Emedicine Medscape
- References
- Arora and Menchine in Herbert (2013) EM:Rap 13(12): 11
- Mandracchia (July, 1998) Hospital Medicine, p. 36-43
- Mortiere (1996) Wound Management, PFP Printing, p.31-3
- Moy in Pfenninger (1994) Procedures, Mosby, p. 148-9
- Latham (2014) Am Fam Physician 89(12): 956-62 [PubMed]