- Significant Peripheral Arterial Disease (Ankle brachial index <0.8)
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Skin Infections
- Pressure should increase distally from knee to ankle (Graduated)
- Wear stockings throughout day (remove at night)
- Apply stockings in the morning before swelling starts to increase
- Avoid OTC low pressure stockings for DVT Prevention
- Knee length stockings are more comfortable and as effective as thigh length
- Smooth-out stockings and avoid the stocking bunching-up on application
- Allow any Topical Lotions to dry before applying stockings
- Consider applying talc before applying stocking
- Stocking application Assistive Devices are available (e.g. stocking butler, stocking donner)
- Non-custom stockings as effective as Custom stockings
- However, proper measurements from a certified fitter (e.g. Medical Supply Store or Pharmacy) is recommended
- Mild Compression (<20 mmHg): Non-Medical Grade OTC
- Not generally recommended due to low efficacy
- Includes most T.E.D. Hose and OTC Compression Socks
- Does not prevent DVT
- May reduce venous pooling in patients on their feet throughout the day, but minimally effective
- Medium Compression (20-40 mmHg): Medical Grade
- Stockings for Venous Insufficiency and Venous Ulcers
- May also reduce DVT Risk on prolonged airplane flights
- May decrease pain in Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
- High Compression (>40 mmHg)
- Severe Venous Insufficiency
- Chronic Lymphedema
- Anti-embolism stockings (e.g. TED stockings)
- Pressure: 8-10 mmHg
- Elasticized tubular gauze (e.g. Tubigrip)
- Pressure: 15-20 mmHg
- Indications
- Older patients with Venous Insufficiency
- Single layer elastic wrap (e.g. ACE Wrap)
- Pressure: 20 mmHg
- Compression Stockings (e.g. Jobst, Juzo)
- Pressure: 30-40 mmHg
- Indications
- Severe Venous Insufficiency or Lymphedema
- Custom Jobst Stockings
- Based on circumference at every 1.5 inches up leg
- Indications
- Large calf with narrow ankle (risk of Tourniquet)
- Lipodermatosclerosis
- Multi-layer compression Wraps (e.g. Dynaflex)
- Pressure: 30-40 mmHg
- Indications
- Severe Venous Insufficiency or Lymphedema
- HCPCS: L8100
- (2019) Presc Lett 26(10): 56