• Preparations
  • Socialization and Communication Devices
  1. Communication boards
  2. Augmentation and alternative devices (Computers)
  3. Laryngeal prosthesis
  4. Long distance devices
    1. Information networks
    2. BBS Systems
    3. Telephone typewriter (TTY)
    4. Text telephone (TT)
    5. Telephone device for deaf (TDD)
    6. Captioning devices
  • Preparations
  • Sensory Aids
  1. Vision
    1. Low Vision aids
    2. Magnification or large print texts
    3. Braille
    4. Increased lighting
    5. Alerting devices
  2. Hearing
    1. Amplification aids (Hearing Aids)
    2. Assistive listening devices
    3. Noise reduction
    4. Sound systems
    5. Telecommunication devices
    6. Cochlear Implants
  3. Seating and positioning systems
  4. Prosthetics for upper or lower extremity
  5. Orthotics
    1. Upper or lower extremity
    2. Spine
    3. Braces
    4. Splints
    5. Helmet
  • Preparations
  • Mobility Options
  1. See Ambulatory Assistive Device
  2. Wheelchair (manual or motorized)
  3. Assistive ambulatory aids
    1. Canes
    2. Crutches
    3. Walkers
  4. Public transportation accommodation
  5. Vehicle or driving adaptations
  6. Architectural barriers and accessibility
  1. Bathing
    1. Bath mats
    2. Grab bars
    3. Bath stool or chair
    4. Long brush
    5. Extended faucet levers
  2. Ambulation
    1. Canes
    2. Walkers
    3. Wheelchairs
    4. Braces
  3. Toileting
    1. Raised seat
    2. Arms
    3. Wipers
    4. Grab bars
  4. Transfers
    1. Bed or chair height adjustment
    2. sliding boards
    3. Non-slip surface
  5. Eating
    1. Grips
    2. Plate guards
  6. Dressing
    1. Velcro on clothes
    2. Dressing stick
    3. Special clothes
  • Preparations
  • Tools for IADL
  1. Low Vision aids
  2. Hearing Aids
  3. TTY/TDD phones
  4. Household modifications
  5. Medication reminders
  • Preparations
  • Environmental: Structural modifications
  1. Adjustment to doors and door hinge
  2. Extensions
  3. Ramps, curb cuts, and lifts
  • Preparations
  • Recreational Intervention
  1. Adapted Exercise, sports equipment and programs
  2. Gardening aids
  3. Games and toys
  4. Computers
  5. Arts and Crafts devices
  • Preparations
  • Employment and job site modification
  1. Adjustable work table
  2. Arm lamps
  3. Speaker phone
  4. Telephone amplifiers
  5. Memory telephone,
  6. Powered door opener
  7. Light switch extension
  8. Weighted pen
  9. One hand typewriters