- Prevalence: 10-30%
- Type of Ventral Hernia
- Infants
- Congenital defect in linea alba (failure to close completely at birth)
- Umbilical ring usually closes by age 12-18 months
- Repair is rarely recommended under age 3 years
- Regardless of Hernia size, 89% spontaneously close by age 5 years
- Adults (Paraumbilical Hernia): Predisposing factors
- High risk of Incarcerated Hernia (especially men and Overweight women)
- Incarceration typically with preperitoneal fat
- Large Umbilical Hernias may entrap Large Bowel
- Degowin (1987) Diagnostic Examination, p. 489-96
- Goroll (2000) Primary Care Medicine, p. 431-433
- Stevens (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(9): 2