
Blood Urea Nitrogen


Blood Urea Nitrogen, BUN

  • Pathophysiology
  1. Increases by 10-20 mg/dl/day if Renal Function absent
  2. Serum Creatinine is a better measure of Renal Function
    1. BUN is Protein dependent
      1. High Protein diet
      2. Catabolism
    2. BUN is reabsorbed at renal tubules
      1. Prerenal Failure
        1. Dehydration
        2. Congestive Heart Failure
      2. Postrenal Failure
        1. Obstructive Uropathy
  • Lab
  1. Tube: Red Top (with serum separation) or Green Top (Heparinized, with plasma separation)
  2. Normal BUN: 8 to 20 mg/dl (2.9 mmol/L to 7.1 mmol/L)
  • Causes
  • Decreased BUN
  1. Liver disease
  2. Poor nutrition
  3. Overhydration
  4. Third trimester of pregnancy
  5. SIADH
  6. Anabolic Steroids
  • References
  1. Bakerman (2014) ABCs of Interpretative Lab Data, Scottsdale, Az, p. 111-2