
Eye Examination Signs of Chemical Dependency


Eye Examination Signs of Chemical Dependency, Substance-Induced Eye Findings

  • Exam
  • Observation
  1. Blank stare
  2. Glazing (film over Cornea)
  3. Excessive Lacrimation (Marijuana)
  4. Red Sclera (Marijuana, inhalant)
  5. Walleye or Bug-eye appearance (Exophthalmos)
    1. Ptosis (Heroin)
    2. Swelling of Eyelids (Phencyclidine or Marijuana)
    3. Retracted upper lid (Phencyclidine)
  1. Fails to hold gaze
  2. Nystagmus
    1. Phencyclidine (PCP) - Vertical Nystagmus may occur
    2. Alcohol
    3. Benzodiazepine
    4. Marijuana
  3. Abnormal Convergence (unable to hold Crossed Eyes)
    1. Alcohol
    2. Benzodiazepines
  1. Talc Retinopathy (talc used to cut IV drugs)
    1. Peri-Macular vessels show white retractile spots
  1. Keratopathy or Corneal Ulcers
    1. Associated with crack Cocaine smoking
    2. Sachs (1993) Ophthalmology 100:187-91 [PubMed]
  • Contributors
  1. Paul Rock, OD at Outer Banks Eye Care
    1. http://www.obeyecare.com/eyelinks.html