- Criteria to Diagnose Major Depression
- Symptoms lasting at least 2 weeks, with each symptom persisting for most of each day, nearly everyday
- A total of 5 positive symptoms are required for diagnosis of Major Depression
- At least 1 of the following two major symptoms (most of each day, nearly everyday)
- Depressed mood
- Patient reports they feel sad, empty or helpless (or others observe this, e.g. crying)
- Irritable mood meets criteria in adolescents and children
- Reduction in pleasure or interest
- Diminished pleasure or participation in all or nearly all activities
- Depressed mood
- At least 4 (or 3 if both major symptoms present) of the following (most of each day, nearly everyday)
- Unintentional Weight Loss or weight gain
- Significant unintended weight change (e.g. >5%) or appetite change
- Insomnia or Hypersomnia
- Psychomotor Agitation or retardation
- Restlessness or slowed so significantly as to be recognized by others
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Sense of worthlessness, or excessive or inappropriate guilt
- Decreased concentration or indecisiveness
- Recurrent thoughts of death or Suicidality (with or without a plan)
- Unintentional Weight Loss or weight gain
- Significantly impaired social and occupation function
- Symptoms do not meet criteria for other diagnosis that better explains symptoms
- No history of non-drug induced mania or Hypomania
- No mixed Bipolar Disorder
- No schizoaffective disorder or Schizophrenia
- No Delusional disorder
- Not due to significant acute loss that would better explain symptoms
- Not due to Bereavement, financial ruin or natural disaster
- Major Depression may be diagnosed if criteria met beyond the acute stressors
- No secondary causes
- Not caused by general medical illness (e.g. Hypothyroidism)
- Not a result of medication use
- Not a result of Alcohol Abuse or Drug Abuse
- Cluster 1 (Physical, neurovegetative symptoms)
- Cluster 2 (Psychologic, psychosocial symptoms)
- Depressed mood
- Reduction in pleasure or interest
- Feelings of guilt
- Suicidal thoughts
- (2013) DSM-V, APA, Washington, D.C.
- (2000) DSM-IV, APA, Washington, D.C.