- Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
- Phenotypic male who has insertive or receptive sex with other phenotypic males (including Transgender)
- Includes penile-oral and penile-anal sex
- Incidence: 4% of men in the United States
- Sexual
- Number of sexual partners in the last year
- Sex with men, women or both?
- Sex after using Alcohol or drugs?
- Is your current sexual partner a longterm partner? Are you monogamous?
- Sex with strangers or acquaintances?
- Have you been sexually active in the last year?
- How many sexual partners have you had in the last 2 months? Last 12 months?
- Do you use Condoms always?
- How often do you not use Condoms?
- How many Sexually Transmitted Infections have you had in the past?
- Chlamydia or Gonorrhea?
- Genital Warts?
- Herpes?
- Syphilis?
- HIV?
- Types of sex (oral, vaginal, anal)?
- Insertive anal sex (top partner)
- Higher risk than oral sex for Sexually Transmitted Infection
- Receptive anal sex (bottom partner)
- Highest risk for Sexually Transmitted Infection
- Insertive anal sex (top partner)
- Social
Domestic Abuse or rape?
- Current abusive relationship?
- Support system
- Who are the other people in your home?
- Monogamous relationship?
- Family support (spouse, parents, siblings, children)?
- Close friends?
- Gonorrhea PCR (Nucleic Acid amplification test or NAAT)
Chlamydia PCR (Nucleic Acid amplification test or NAAT)
- Anal Chlamydia PCR if anal insertive or receptive intercourse in past year
- Urine Chlamydia PCR if anal insertive intercourse in past year
HIV Test
- Test at least annually in high risk patients (offer for all annually)
Hepatitis A Serology
- Hepatitis A Vaccine if not immune
Hepatitis B Serology (e.g. HBsAg)
- Test at least annually in high risk patients (offer for all annually)
- Hepatitis B Vaccine if not immune
Hepatitis C
- Screen at least annually in high risk patients
- High risks include IVDA history, HIV Infection, multiple sex partners, unprotected sex
Herpes Simplex Virus Testing
- Consider sceening for Genital HerpesSerology if status unknown (per CDC)
Syphilis Screening (e.g. RPR, VDRL)
- Screen annually (esp. in high risk groups)
- STD Screening in low risk groups
- Criteria
- Monogamous relationship OR
- Consistent Condom use
- Testing is optional
- Annual HIV Test
- Other Sexually Transmitted Infections (see above)
- STD Screening in high risk groups
- Criteria
- Multiple sexual partners OR
- Inconsistent Condom use
- Evaluate every 3 to 6 months evaluate STI risks
- See Immunizations below
- Obtain HIV Test and Hepatitis B testing at least annually
- Consider annual testing of Hepatitis C
- Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing as described above
- Reinforce prevention practices below (includes Immunizations and HIV prevention)
- Consider additional tests as above
- See Health Maintenance in Men
General measures
- Always use Condoms
- Exception: Longterm monogamous couples without STI
- Stay aware of partner's Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) status
- Avoid high risk behavior (e.g. sex while intoxicated, multiple sexual partners)
- Always use Condoms
- Hepatitis A Vaccine (per CDC)
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (per CDC, USPTF)
- HPV Vaccine
- Indicated in all males age 26 years and younger
- Offer to Men who have Sex with Men, ages 27 to 45 years old
- Meningococcal Vaccine
- Indicated in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) AND one other risk factor (e.g. healthcare career)
- HIV Prevention
Anal Cancer (due to HPV Infection)
- Digital Rectal Exam yearly (IDSA)
- Exam for hard irregular lumps or ulcers, or localized thickening
- Baseline and annual anal pap test indicated in HIV Infection (per NY Dept Health)
- Controversial and operator dependent
- Digital Rectal Exam yearly (IDSA)
- Mental Health Screening
- Higher risk for Intimate Partner Violence, and for victimization and threats of Violence
- Higher risk of Homelessness and poverty
- Major Depression rates in MSM are >17% (>40% if HIV positive)
- Suicidality risk is highest in Homelessness, Substance Abuse, Bullying, parental abuse and victimization
- Substance use during sex (ChemSex)
- Higher risk of Major Depression, Anxiety Disorder and other Substance Abuse
- Sexually Transmitted Infections in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
- As with Gonorrhea, rectal and anal infections are often missed
- As with Chlamydia, rectal and anal infections are often missed
- Higher risk with HIV Infection, recreational drug use
Hepatitis A
- Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) represent 10% of new cases
Hepatitis B
- Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) represent 20% of new cases
Hepatitis C
- Higher risk with HIV Infection, receptive intercourse, multiple partners
- Global Prevalence in MSM 1.5% if HIV negative and 6.3% if HIV positive and >30% if IVDA
Genital Herpes
- Higher risk of acquiring HIV Infection
HIV Infection or AIDS (Relative Risk: 44)
- Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) account for >50% of those with HIV, and >60% of those newly diagnosed
- Highest risk group is, black MSM 13 to 24 years old
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Anal Cancer (Relative Risk: 17)
- Higher risk with HIV Infection
- HPV (esp. types 16 and 18) causes 88% of Anal Cancers in MSM
Proctocolitis (infectious Proctitis, enteritis)
- Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HSV, Syphilis and Lymphogranuloma venereum transmitted via receptive anal intercourse
- Increasing risk among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), especially among minority groups
- Prevalence in MSM cohort is as high as 5-10% in U.S. (esp. HIV positive patients)
- Peaked in 2022 in U.S. and since then Prevalence has been low
- Two Vaccine options are available for high risk patients