- Iliopsoas bursa
- Between psoas Muscle and femoral head
- Bursa irritated by overuse and friction
- Tendon rubs against pubic iliopectineal eminence
- Sports with hip flexor use
- Soccer
- Ballet
- Uphill Running
- Hurdling
- Jumping
- Deep Groin Pain
- Pain radiates to anterior hip or thigh
- Limp may occur
- Snapping Sensation (Iliopsoas Bursitis)
- May also occur with Hip Labral Tears, hip subluxation
- Difficult to diagnose (delayed often >31 months)
- Pain on deep palpation of femoral triangle (iliopsoas musculotendinous junction)
- Lateral to femoral nerve
- Inferior to inguinal ligament
- Medial to sartorius Muscle
- Provocative maneuvers
- Hip Flexion against resistance
- Passive extension of affected hip
- Supine patient raises heels off table to 15 degrees
- Strains iliopsoas Muscle
- Snapping Hip Syndrome
- MRI hip shows fluid adjacent to Muscle
- Conservative management
- Relative rest
- Hip flexor stretches and strengthening
- Hip rotator stretches and strengthening
- Image guided Corticosteroid Injection may offer relief
- Surgical management rarely indicated
- Schleihauf (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(5): 19-28
- Johnston (1998) Sports Med 25:271-83 [PubMed]
- Morelli (2001) Am Fam Physician 64(8):1405-14 [PubMed]