
Snapping Hip


Snapping Hip

  • See Also
  • Symptoms
  1. Snapping Sensation with hip movement
  2. Pain related to snapping in only 33% of cases
  • Causes
  • Extra-articular of Snapping Hip
  1. Tendon snaps over greater trochanter of hip (lateral)
    1. Iliotibial band
    2. Tensor Muscle of fascia lata
    3. Gluteus Medius
  2. Iliopsoas Tendinitis at iliopectineal eminence (medial, deep)
    1. Inflamed Nodule snaps over pelvic brim
  3. Tendon or ligament snaps over ischium
    1. Iliofemoral ligament
    2. Long head of biceps femoris
  • Causes
  • Intra-articular of Snapping Hip
  1. Synovial chondromatosis
  2. Loose bodies in Hip Joint
    1. Trauma
    2. Osteochondritis Dissecans
  3. Osteocartilaginous exostoses
  4. Labral tear
  5. Inverted labrum
  • Management
  1. Identify source
  2. Correct biomechanical abnormalities
  3. Initiate Stretching of tightened Muscles
  4. Consider Corticosteroid Injection for Bursitis
  5. Surgery rarely indicated except for loose bodies
  • References
  1. Schleihauf (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(5): 19-28