• Risk Factors
  • Exam
  1. See Hip Exam
  • Symptoms
  1. Early
    1. Subtle, Muscle Strain-like symptoms
  2. Next
    1. Morning stiffness
    2. Referred Knee Pain or Medial thigh pain
  3. Next
    1. Inability to bear weight with Exercise
  4. Next
    1. Gradually pain increases with walking
  • Signs
  1. Antalgic Gait (painful limp)
  2. No external deformity
  3. Mild pain on passive and active range of motion
  • Imaging
  1. Hip XRay
  2. MRI Hip
    1. Indicated if Hip XRay is non-diagnostic
  • References
  1. Shahideh (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(9):10-18