- High risk Fractures in Children
- Supracondylar Humerus Fracture
- Volkmann's contracture
- Malunion
- Lateral condylar Humerus Fracture
- Cubitus valgus
- Nonunion
- Ulnar Nerve injury
Epiphyseal Fracture (Salter 3 to Salter 5)
- Growth disturbance
- Radial neck or Radial Head Fracture
- Growth disturbance
- High Risk Fractures in Adults
- Ulnar Fracture and Radius Fracture
- Malunion
- Nonunion
- Displaced Forearm Fracture
- Restricted Forearm rotation
- Displaced malleolar Fracture
- Supracondylar Fracture or Intercondylar Fracture
- Trauma Arthritis
- Joint Stiffness
- Displaced Olecranon Fracture
- Nonunion
- Displaced Radial Head Fracture
- Upper tibia Fracture
- Acute Compartment Syndrome