- Ectopic Pregnancy Criteria
- Hemodynamically stable
Quantitative bhCG < 5,000 mIU/ml
- Some recommend limiting Methotrexate protocol to bHCG <2000 mIU/ml (see efficacy below)
Ectopic Pregnancy fully visualized on Ultrasound
- Embryo size under 3 cm
- Tubal serosa intact (no rupture)
- No fetal heart activity
- Normal lab testing (see screening below)
- No active bleeding
- Allows for possible future fertility on affected side
- Active lung disease
- Lactation
- Immunodeficiency
- Poor compliance
- History Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Fetal cardiac activity noted on Ultrasound
- Ectopic mass >3.5 to 4 cm
- Gestational Sac >3.5 cm
- Blood dyscrasias
- White Blood Cell Count <3000 (Leukopenia)
- Platelet Count <100,000 (Thrombocytopenia)
- Severe Anemia
Liver disease or elevated Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
- Methotrexate has hepatotoxicity potential
- Renal Disease or decreased Creatinine Clearance <50 ml/min/1.73 m3
- Methotrexate is renally excreted
- bHCG >5000 mIU/ml
- Some recommend a relative contraindication at bHCG >2000 mIU/ml (see efficacy below)
- bHCG <1000 mIU/ml
- Success Rate: 88-98%
- bHCG <1000 to 2000 mIU/ml
- Success Rate: 71-94%
- bHCG <2000 to 3000 mIU/ml
- Success Rate: 59-96%
- bHCG <3000 to 4000 mIU/ml
- Success Rate: 50-96%
- bHCG >4000 mIU/ml
- Success Rate: 42-85%
- References
- Baseline
- Serum Creatinine
- Liver Function Tests
- Complete Blood Count with differential
- Quantitative bhCG
Serum Progesterone may also be followed
- Anticipate drop to 1.5 mg/ml by 2-3 weeks
- General
- Obtain baseline labs and review contraindications
- Choose a single dose or two dose protocol
- bHCG <3600 IU/L: Single Dose Protocol
- bHCG >3600 IU/L: Two Dose Protocol
- Use Contraception and avoid pregnancy until at least 1-3 ovulatory cycles from bHCG undectable
- Monitor patients closely on Methotrexate protocol
- Ectopic Pregnancy rupture risk continues until bHCG is undetectable
- Anticipatory guidance
- Review adverse effects as below
- Abdominal Pain may occur 2-3 days after Methotrexate
- See Below
- Avoid agents that suppress Methotrexate effect
- Avoid activities that increase Ectopic Pregnancy rupture risk
- Avoid vaginal intercourse
- Avoid strenuous Exercise
- Single Dose
- Preferred protocol for lower HCG levels (fewer adverse effects than two dose ot multiple dose regimens)
- Recommended for bHCG <3600 IU/L
- Adjuncts (some protocols)
- Consider Leucovorin rescue
- Outcomes
- Success rate: 88.1% if starting bHCG <1000 mIU/ml (>1 dose needed in 14% of cases)
- Adverse effects: 31.3%
- See Methotrexate
- Day 1
- Obtain Baseline labs above (CBC, Chem18)
- Measure bHCG
- Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 BSA IM (some protocols have used IV or PO)
- Day 4
- Measure bHCG
- Day 7
- Measure bHCG
- Anticipate 25% bHCG decrease between days 1 and 7
- Anticipate 15% bHCG decrease between days 4 and 7
- If bHCG decreases >15% between days 4 and 7
- Recheck bHCG each week until undetectable
- Anticipate bHCG drop to 5 mIU/ml by 3-4 weeks
- Contraception until bHCG returns to 5 mIU/ml or less
- If bHCG decreases <=15% between days 4 and 7
- Surgical Management OR
- Repeat Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 BSA IM and bHCG once
- Surgical management If bHCG decreases <15% between bHCG draws
- Measure bHCG
- Two-Dose
- Preferred protocol for higher HCG levels (higher efficacy than single dose protocol)
- Recommended for bHCG >3600 to 5000 IU/L
- Day 1
- Obtain Baseline labs above (CBC, Chem18)
- Measure bHCG
- Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 BSA IM (some protocols have used IV or PO)
- Day 4
- Measure bHCG
- Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 BSA IM (some protocols have used IV or PO)
- Day 7
- Measure bHCG
- If bHCG decreases >15% between days 4 and 7
- Recheck bHCG each week until undetectable
- Contraception until bHCG returns to 5 mIU/ml or less
- If bHCG decreases <=15% between days 4 and 7
- Surgical Management OR
- Repeat Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 BSA IM and bHCG on Day 7, 11 and 14
- Surgical management If bHCG decreases <15% between bHCG draws
- Multiple Dose (older protocol)
- Contraception until bHCG returns to 5 mIU/ml or less
- bHCG monitoring as below
- Alternate agents up to 4 doses of each drug
- Methotrexate 1 mg/kg PO or IV on days 1, 3, 5, and 7
- Leucovorin 0.1 mg/kg on days 2, 4, 6, and 8
- Outcomes
- Success rate: 92.7%
- Adverse effects: 41.2%
- Mild Abdominal Pain
- Typically onset days 2-3 following Methotrexate start
- Resolves within 24-48 hours
- Pain appears to be associated with separation of implanted pregnancy
- Distinguish from Abdominal Pain of tubal rupture
- May be more severe
- May be associated with hemodynamic instability
- Obtain immediate HCG and Transvaginal Ultrasound if any signs not consistent with typical Methotrexate protocol pain
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Flatulence or bloating (common)
- Lab and diagnostic changes
- bHCG transiently increased on starting Methotrexate
- LFTs may transiently increase (typically <2 fold increase) on starting Methotrexate
- Size of ectopic may asymptomatically increase in up to 56% of women (associated with Hematoma formation)
Methotrexate photosensitivity and dermatitis
- Use Sunscreen
- Recurrent Ectopic Pregnancy risk: 10-20%
- Chance of subsequent intrauterine pregnancy: 40-60%
- Kuppusamy (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(7): 2-7
- (2018) Obstet Gynecol 131(3):e91-103 [PubMed]
- (2008) Obstet Gynecol 111(6): 1479-85 [PubMed]
- Barash (2014) Am Fam Physician 90(1): 34-40 [PubMed]
- Barnhart (2003) Obstet Gynecol 101:778-84 [PubMed]
- Hendriks (2020) Am Fam Physician 101(10): 599-606 [PubMed]
- Lipscomb (1999) N Engl J Med 341:1974-8 [PubMed]