- Coma
- Spectrum of dysfunction of awareness and arousal
- Bilateral cortical disease
- Unilateral disease does not cause coma
- Metabolic and toxic derangements most common
- Focal Neurologic signs absent except in Hypoglycemia
- Suppression of Reticular Activating System (RAS)
- Supratentorial pressure
- Infratentorial pressure
- Cerebellar Hemorrhage
- Posterior fossa tumor
- Intrinsic Brainstem lesion
- Traumatic pontine Hemorrhage
- Hypertensive pontine Hemorrhage
- Neurologic degenerative diseases
- Brainstem tumor
- Torque on Brainstem from sudden head blow
- See Coma Exam
- See ALOC Causes
- See Delirium
- Psychogenic Coma
- Electroencephalogram (EEG)
- Amytal interview
- See Altered Level of Consciousness
- Step 0: Review History, Exam, Labs
- Physiologic Coma with Nonfocal exam may suggest metabolic cause
- Step 1: Obtain CT Head and If Abnormal:
- Ischemic CVA: Supportive care
- Hemorrhagic CVA, Tumor or Brain Abscess
- Herniation
- Neurosurgical Consultation stat
- Decadron
- Mannitol
- Hyperventilation
- No Herniation
- Supportive care
- Neurosurgical Consultation
- Herniation
- Step 2: Obtain Lumbar Puncture and If Abnormal
- Meningitis
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Neurosurgical Consultation
- Step 3: Unclear etiology (above testing normal)
- Etiologies
- Brain Stem infarct
- Drug Overdose
- Complex partial Status Epilepticus
- Evaluation
- Management
- Supportive Care
- Etiologies
- Nontraumatic coma
- Persistent coma for 2 months(n=596)
- Mortality: 69% mortality
- With severe Disability: 20%
- Without severe Disability: 8%
- Mortality correlated with:
- Abnormal Brain Stem response
- Absent verbal response
- Absent withdrawal response to pain
- Creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl
- Age > 70 years
- Interpretation
- Four or more of above criteria: 96% mortality
- Persistent coma for 2 months(n=596)
- References
- Orman and Chang in Herbert (2017) EM:Rap 17(4): 8-9