- Provide low demand environment
- Simplify tasks into easy steps
- Provide tasks that they are able to perform
- If patient unable to use utensils, use finger foods
- Calendars and clocks help orient to time
- Color code or graphically code environment
- Provide predictable routine (e.g. meals, bedtime)
- Explain activities simply before performing
- Make use of calming activities
- Music and dance
- Art
- Exercise (e.g. schedule daily walks)
- Montessori activities
- Ask close-ended questions:
- Example: Would you like chicken for dinner?
- Ask questions for which patient knows the answer
- Distract and redirect patient in problem situations
- React to emotion instead of patient's speach content
- Help patient remember prior pleasant experiences
- Calm with music, toys, familiar items
- Create a safe environment
- See Fall Prevention in the Elderly
- Remove weapons from home (guns, knives)