
Croup Score


Croup Score, Clinical Croup Score, Westley Croup Score, Downes Croup Score

  • See Also
  • Indications
  • Criteria
  • Protocol 1 (Westley)
  1. Interpretation
    1. Score <= 2 Mild croup
    2. Score 3 - 7 Moderate croup
    3. Score 8 - 11 Severe croup
    4. Score >=12 Impending Respiratory Failure
  2. Level of Consciousness
    1. Normal: 0
    2. Disoriented: 5
  3. Cyanosis
    1. None: 0
    2. With Agitation: 4
    3. At Rest: 5
  4. Stridor
    1. None: 0
    2. With Agitation: 1
    3. At Rest: 2
  5. Air Entry
    1. Normal: 0
    2. Decreased: 1
    3. Marked: 2
  6. Retractions
    1. None: 0
    2. Mild: 1
    3. Moderate: 2
    4. Severe: 3
  7. References
    1. Westley (1978) Am J Dis Child 132(5): 484-7 [PubMed]
  • Criteria
  • Protocol 2 (Downes)
  1. Interpretation
    1. Score 4 or above: Moderate airway obstruction
    2. Score 7 or above: Impending Respiratory Failure
      1. Especially if PaCO2 >45mmHg and paO2 <70 mmHg in room air
  2. Cyanosis
    1. Score 0: None
    2. Score 1: In room air
    3. Score 2: Despite 40% FIO2
  3. Inspiratory breath sounds
    1. Score 0: None
    2. Score 1: Harsh breath sounds with rhonchi
    3. Score 2: Delayed breath sounds
  4. Stridor
    1. Score 0: None
    2. Score 1: Inspiratory Stridor
    3. Score 2: Inspiratory and expiratory Stridor, or Stridor at rest
  5. Cough
    1. Score 0: None
    2. Score 1: Hoarse cry
    3. Score 2: Barky cough
  6. Retractions and nasal flaring
    1. Score 0: None
    2. Score 1: Nasal flaring and suprasternal retractions
    3. Score 2: Subcostal and intercostal retractions (in addition to nasal flaring and suprasternal retractions)
  7. References
    1. Downes (1975) Anesthesiology 43:238-50 [PubMed]