- FDA approved
- Off-Label Use
- Adenocarcinoma (unknown primary)
- Bladder Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer (advanced)
- Head and neck squamous cell cancer
- Leukemia (Acute)
- Lung Cancer (squamous cell, non-small cell and small cell)
- Lymphoma (Hodgkin or Non-Hodgkin)
- Melanoma
- Mesothelioma
- Neuroendocrine Tumors
- Prostate Cancer
- Sarcoma
- Testicular Cancer (Germ Cell)
- Second-generation platinum based Antineoplastic Agent
- More stable and less toxic than its parent drug Cisplatin
- Components
- Platinum atom
- Ammonia groups (2)
- Cyclobutane-dicarboxyl residue
- Activated intracellularly as reactive platinum complexes
- Binds DNA (e.g. GC rich regions)
- Results in DNA cross-links
- Results in cell growth inhibition, apoptosis and cell death
- Carboplatin IV Solution (10 mg/ml) in 5 ml, 15 ml, 45 ml and 60 ml vials
- See other references for disease specific dosing protocols
- Alopecia
- Bone Marror Suppression (esp. with comorbid Renal Insufficiency)
- Hepatotoxicity with increased Liver Function Tests
- Nephrotoxicity
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Secondary Malignancy
- Vomiting
- Avoid in Lactation
- Pregnancy Category D
- Avoid in Pregnancy (all trimesters)
- Use reliable Contraception
- Monitoring
- Decreases Phenytoin levels
- Similar efficacy as Cisplatin for Lung Cancer and Ovarian Cancer
- Decreased efficacy compared with Cisplatin for germ cell tumors, Bladder Cancer, head and neck cancer