- Von Willebrand Factor synthesis
- Vascular endothelium
- Megakaryocytes
- Von Willebrand Factor release
- Platelet activation
- Endothelial cells
- Von Willebrand Factor activity
- Binds Factor VIII in circulation (prolongs Factor VIIIHalf-Life)
- Releases Factor VIII in response to bleeding
- Factor VIII in turn is a Cofactor in the conversion of Factor IX to IXa in the initrinsic Clotting Pathway to form Thrombin
- Bridges exposed Collagen and Platelets when vascular injury occurs
- Von Willebrand Factor deficiency
- Results in delayed Platelet plug formation
- Results in mucocutaneous bleeding
- Binds Factor VIII in circulation (prolongs Factor VIIIHalf-Life)
- Normal VWF range: 50-200 IU/dl
- Decreased VWF Levels or function
- Von Willebrand Deficiency
- Type O Blood (25% lower VWF than other Blood Types)
- Acquired Von Willebrands Deficiency
- Hypothyroidism (causes decreased VWF Synthesis)
- Wilms Tumor and lymphoproliferative disorders are associated with tumor cell binding to VWF resulting in VWF Deficiency
- Conditions with antibodies to VWF
- Lymphoproliferative disorders
- Monoclonal Gammopathy
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Conditions that alter VWF conformation via shearing resulting in increased proteolysis
- Conditions with significant Thrombocythemia
- Essential Thrombocythemia
- Polycythemia Vera
- Myeloproliferative disorders
- Medications
- References
- Falsely increased VWF Levels
- Inflammatory Conditions
- Pregnancy