• Definition
  1. Dilation of anorectal vessels below Dentate Line
  • Symptoms
  1. Anorectal itching, burning and pain
  2. Constipation often associated
  • Signs
  1. Perform external exam and Anoscopy
  2. Perianal mass in fixed position
    1. Right Anterior
    2. Right Posterior
    3. Left Lateral
  3. Anorectal Skin Tags may also be present
  4. Observe for Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid
  • References
  1. Pickard in Dornbrand (1992) Ambulatory Care, p. 226
  2. Schrock in Feldman (1998) Sleisenger GI, p. 1964-7
  3. Hulme-Moir (2001) Gastroenterol Clin North Am 30:183-97 [PubMed]
  4. Hussain (1999) Prim Care 26(1):35-51 [PubMed]