- Body habitus
- Age: 7-10 months
- Length: 66.5 to 74 cm
- Weight: 8-9 kg (mean 8.5 kg)
- Vital Signs (normal)
- Heart Rate: 110-185/minute
- Respiratory Rate: 25-40/minute
- Systolic Blood Pressure: 65-105 mmHg
- Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) and intubation and ventilation
- Pretreatment
- Atropine 0.17 mg
- Induction (Sedation)
- Paralytic
- Succinylcholine 17 mg
- Rocuronium 9 mg
- Vecuronium 0.9 mg
- Sedation Maintenance
- Lorazepam 0.4 mg
- Equipment
- ET Size cuffed (preferred): 3.0 mm
- ET Size uncuffed: 3.5 mm
- ET Insertion depth (at lips): 10.5-11 cm
- Laryngoscope Blade: 1 Miller (straight)
- Suction catheter: 8 F
- LMA: 1.5
- Tidal Volume: 50-85 cc
- Breath rate: 20-25/min
- Inspiratory time: 0.6 sec
- Miscellaneous Equipment
- Urinary Catheter: 6-8 F
- Nasogastric Tube: 6-8 F
- Chest Tube: 10-12 F
- Fluids
- IV Fluid Crystalloid Bolus (20 cc/kg NS, LR): 160-180 ml
- IV Fluid Crystalloid Maintenance: 33-37 ml/h
- Cardioversion
- First (1 J/kg): 9 J
- Next (2 J/kg): 17 J
- First (2 J/kg): 17 J
- Next (4 J/kg): 33 J
- Next (4-10 J/kg): 33-80 J
- Intravenous (100 mg/5 ml = 2%): 8.5 mg (0.425 ml)
- Endotracheal (100 mg/5 ml = 2%): 17-26 mg (0.85 to 1.3 ml)
- Intravenous (1:10,000): 0.085 mg (0.85 ml)
- Endotracheal (1:1000): 0.85 mg (0.85 ml)
- Intravenous (0.1 mg/ml): 0.17 mg (1.7 ml)
- Endotracheal (0.4 mg/ml) 0.45 mg (1.1 ml)
- Intravenous (0.4 mg/ml) 0.085 mg (0.21 ml)
- Endotracheal (0.4 mg/ml) 0.085 mg (0.21 ml)
- Initial dose (6 mg/2ml): 0.85 mg (0.28 ml)
- Next dose (6 mg/2ml): 1.7 mg (0.56 ml)
- Intravenous (50 mg/ml): 42 mg (0.84 ml)
Calcium Chloride
- Intravenous (100 mg/ml = 10%): 170 mg (1.7 ml)
Magnesium Sulfate
- Intravenous (5 g/10 ml = 500 mg/ml = 4 meq Mg/ml = 50%) 425 mg (0.85 ml)
Sodium Bicarbonate
- Intravenous (1 meq/ml = 84 mg/ml = 8.4%) 8.5 meq (8.5 ml)
- eBroselow
- Broselow (2011) Broselow Pediatric Emergency Tape, Vital Signs, Inc, Totowa, NJ
- LA County EMS Color Coded Pediatric Drugs
- Difficult Airway Course
- (2008) Fairview University - Childrens Hospital, Pediatric Emergency Drug Guide