
Mallampati Score


Mallampati Score, Mallampati Classification

  • Indication
  1. Anesthesiology evaluation to assess ease of intubation
  2. Sleep Apnea evaluation (experimental)
  • Exam
  1. Assess Tonsil and Tonsillar fossa visibility
  2. View pharynx with mouth open at rest
    1. No phonation
    2. No protrusion of Tongue
  3. Scoring
    1. Class 1: Entire Tonsil clearly visible
    2. Class 2: Upper half of Tonsil fossa visible
    3. Class 3: Soft and Hard Palate clearly visible
    4. Class 4: Only Hard Palate visible
  4. Images
    1. entMallampatiAll.jpg
  • Interpretation
  1. Higher Mallampati Score (Type 4) is higher risk
    1. More difficult intubation
    2. Associated with Sleep Apnea
  • Resources
  1. Global Anesthesiology Server Network (GASNet)
    1. http://gasnet.med.yale.edu/airway/rec07.htm