• Definitions
  1. Palatine Tonsil
    1. Round Lymphoid Tissue in the posterolateral pharynx
    2. Wedged between the anterior and posterior Tonsillar Pillars of Soft Palate
  2. Tonsillar Pillars
    1. Extensions of Soft Palate in posterolateral oropharynx surrounding Tonsil bilaterally
    2. Anterior Tonsillar Pillar (palatoglossal arch)
    3. Posterior Tonsillar Pillar (palatopharyngeal arch)
  3. Weber's Glands
    1. Mucous Salivary Glands within Soft Palate, superior to Tonsil
    2. Duct between Weber Gland and Tonsil
    3. Suspected origin of Peritonsillar Abscess
  • Anatomy
  1. Tonsil sits between the anterior and posterior Tonsillar Pillars of Soft Palate
  2. Tonsil surrounded by capsule, which separates it from overlying superior pharyngeal constrictor Muscle
  • Physiology
  • Development and Growth
  1. Tonsils form during last month of gestation
  2. Maximal size by age 6-7 years
  3. Involute gradually after Puberty until minimally present by age 65 years old