- Palatine Tonsil
- Round Lymphoid Tissue in the posterolateral pharynx
- Wedged between the anterior and posterior Tonsillar Pillars of Soft Palate
- Tonsillar Pillars
- Extensions of Soft Palate in posterolateral oropharynx surrounding Tonsil bilaterally
- Anterior Tonsillar Pillar (palatoglossal arch)
- Posterior Tonsillar Pillar (palatopharyngeal arch)
- Weber's Glands
- Mucous Salivary Glands within Soft Palate, superior to Tonsil
- Duct between Weber Gland and Tonsil
- Suspected origin of Peritonsillar Abscess
- Tonsil sits between the anterior and posterior Tonsillar Pillars of Soft Palate
- Tonsil surrounded by capsule, which separates it from overlying superior pharyngeal constrictor Muscle
- Development and Growth
- Tonsils form during last month of gestation
- Maximal size by age 6-7 years
- Involute gradually after Puberty until minimally present by age 65 years old