
Auricular Perichondritis


Auricular Perichondritis, Suppurative Perichondritis, Auricular Chondritis, Acute Pinna Perichondritis

  • Causes
  1. Poorly controlled Otitis Externa
  2. Abrasions or Lacerations
  3. High Ear Piercing (involving pinna cartilage)
    1. Usually within first month of piercing
  • Symptoms and Signs
  1. Swollen warm, tender, erythematous auricle
  2. Pain on deflection of auricle
    1. Differentiates from superficial infection
  3. Ear lobule may also be infected
  4. Tympanic Membrane not involved
  • Management
  1. Broad Antibiotic coverage
    1. Gram Positive Bacteria and Gram Negative Bacteria
    2. Fluoroquinolones cover this well
    3. Intravenous Antibiotics may be needed
  2. Local Antibiotic drops if canal is affected
  3. Surgical Debridement may be needed
  • Complications
  1. Perichondrial abscess with poor cosmetic healing
  2. Necrosis