- One tooth erupts monthly between 6 months to 2 years
- Onset of Teething symptoms: 3-4 days before eruption
- End of Teething symptoms: 2-3 days after Tooth Eruption
- Irritability or restlessness
- Discomfort
- Increased night-time awakening
- Appetite decreased
- Chewing on toys or fingers
- Increased Drooling
- May be associated with rash on chin and neck
- Low grade Temperature rise (e.g. 99.5 F) may occur
- Teething does not cause:
- High fever
- Rhinorrhea
- Diarrhea
- Diffuse rash
- Signs
Local gum inflammation at site of Tooth Eruption
- Sore, tender, swollen gum tissue
- Gum discoloration (blue or purple)
- Distract with comforting (rocking or cuddling)
- Massage child's gums with a clean finger
- Ice Rings
- Clean frozen wash cloth
- Consider systemic Analgesic
- Tylenol
- Motrin
- Avoid fluid-filled Teething rings after Tooth Eruption
- Avoid Teething on potential Choke Hazards
- Frozen bananas
- Frozen Popsicles
- Avoid Orojel (Topical Anesthetic)
- Methemoglobinemia may occur with Overdose