- Grading Scale (regarding questions below)
- Score 0: Not at all
- Score 1: Less than 1 in 5 times (<20%)
- Score 2: Less than half the time (<50%)
- Score 3: About half the time (50%)
- Score 4: More than half the time (>50%)
- Score 5: Almost always (>80%)
- Questions pertaining to the last month of symptoms (Scored based on criteria above)
- Incomplete voiding or emptying Sensation
- Frequency (urination within 2 hours of prior void)
- Intermittency (stream stops and starts while voiding)
- Urgency (difficulty postponing urination)
- Weak urinary stream
- Straining to begin urination
Nocturia (How many times per night of waking to void?)
- Scoring for this question: 0 to 5 times per night
- Add total score for 7 questions above
- Total score <7: Mild BPH Symptoms
- Total score 8 to 19: Moderate BPH Symptoms
- Indicates medication therapy is appropriate
- Total score >20: Severe BPH Symptoms
- Indicates surgical management is appropriate