
Lip Nerve Block


Lip Nerve Block, Field Nerve Block of Lip, Lip Field Block

  • Physiology
  • Ear sensory innervation
  1. Greater auricular nerve
  2. Lesser Occipital Nerve
  3. Auriculotemporal nerve
  4. Lesser Occipital Nerve
  1. Upper lip block
    1. Start at the angle of mouth and direct needle toward the Nasal Ala on the same side
    2. Inject up to 5 ml Lidocaine 1% along the line from the angle to the Nasal Ala
    3. Repeat the process from the angle of the mouth on the opposite side
  2. Lower lip block
    1. Start at the mentum of the chin directed at one angle of the mouth
    2. Inject up to 7.5 ml Lidocaine 1% along a line from chin to Nasal Ala
    3. Repeat the process from mentum to the other Nasal Ala