- Axis I - Psychiatric illness
- Axis II - Chronic Developmental Disorders and Personality Disorders
- Axis III - Physical conditions
- Conditions contributing to the Axis I and Axis II condition development, continuation or exacerbation
- Axis IV - Psychosocial stressors
- Stressors and events that impact the Axis I and Axis II conditions
- Rated on a scale of 1 to 6
- Axis V - Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)
- Patient's level of function (score of 0-100)
- Score both current and highest level within the past year
- Score 91-100
- Higher level functioning in broad range of activities with good and control of typical life stressors
- Score 81-90
- Other than mild psychiatric symptoms for common triggers, good level of functioning
- Score 71-80
- Mild psychiatric symptoms with triggers and mild impact on functioning
- Score 61-70
- Mild psychiatric symptoms with impact on functioning, but overall functioning is good and relationships are maintained
- Score 51-60
- Moderate psychiatric symptoms with moderate impact on functioning
- Score 41-50
- Serious symptoms and impaired functioning
- Score 31-40
- Impaired reality and major Impairment
- Score 21-30
- Delusions, Hallucinations, or serious Impairment
- Score 11-20
- Danger to self or others
- Score 1-10
- Persistent danger to self or others