



  • Mechanism
  1. Inspiratory Gurgles associated with Tracheomalacia
  2. Softening occurs In or below the Larynx
  3. Condition resolves spontaneously
    1. Rings of cartilage in airway becomes more rigid
  • Signs
  1. Sound continues while infant feeds
  2. Minimal distress despite significant
    1. Soft-tissue retraction with inspiration
  3. No cough (no inflammatory reaction)
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Croup
  1. Gurgle Stridor sound more liquid sound than with croup
  2. Gurgles are associated with less respiratory effort
  • Diagnosis
  • Management
  1. No management needed
  • Course
  1. Sounds of Tracheomalacia may continue until age 2 years
  2. Development remains normal