- Warm, moist environment fosters Bacterial growth
- Sweaty athletic shoes
Bacteria overgrows feet
- Corynebacteria
- Micrococci
- Management
General Measures
- Keep feet clean
- Scrub feet thoroughly with antibacterial soap
- Rinse and dry carefully (consider blow dryer)
- Keep feet dry
- Wear absorbent socks (e.g. cotton)
- Change socks frequently
- Wear breathable shoes or sandals without socks
- Reduce shoe odor
- Air out shoes for 24 hours after use
- Wash shoes in detergent and bleach if odor persists
- Activated CharcoalShoe Inserts are not effective
- Over the counter and home remedies
- Apply to feet underarm antiperspirant
- Consider spray with Aluminum Chloride/chlorohydrate
- Black tea soak (tannic acid)
- Brew 2 tea bags in 1 pint boiling water 15 minutes
- Add tea to 2 quarts cold water
- Soak feet for 20-30 minutes each day for 10 days
- Benzoyl Peroxide 5-10% gel
- Apply to feet to decrease Bacteria
- Will bleach colored garments
- Prescription items
- Aluminum Chloride hexahydrate 20% (Drysol)
- Apply Drysol at bedtime
- Initial: Apply every night for 3-7 days
- Later: Apply 1-3 nights per week
- Wrap feet in plastic wrap overnight
- Apply lotion to feet in morning
- Titrate use to adequate control of perspiration
- Erythromycin 2% or Clindamycin 1% Solution
- Apply to feet twice daily
- In the emergency department
- Sodium Bicarbonate used to wash feet
- Maalox 30 cc applied to feet, and then feet sealed inside plastic bag
- Orman and Swaminathan in Herbert (2017) EM:Rap 17(6): 1