- Usually custom created by orthotist or podiatrist
- To reduce cost:
- Pre-fab Orthotics may be tried (see Superfeet below)
- Some providers have used method below to create
- Superfeet
- Sold retail and online
- May be purchased per shoe-size or custom fit
- Orthotic material
- Orthoplast (J and J product)
- Easily malleable when warmed
- Trace foot
- Patient stands on Orthoplast
- Cut out pattern from Orthoplast
- Heat Orthotic material
- Place Orthoplast in hot water
- Hydrocollator at about 120-130
- Heat for 3-5 minutes
- Mold Orthotic when malleable
- Cup heel of Orthotic
- Patient sits with foot resting on table
- Non-weight bearing
- Apply Orthotic to patient's foot (comfortably warm)
- Patient holds foot in neutral position (90 degrees)
- No foot eversion or inversion
- Apply cool wet ace wrap over the top of Orthotic
- Fixes Orthoplast to foot until it hardens
- Mold over arch and heel
- Trim edges behind Metatarsal heads
- Use tin snip for gross changes
- Bevel edges with grinder for fine adjustment