
Hip Adduction Test


Hip Adduction Test, Single Hip Adductor Test, Bilateral Hip Adductor Test, Adductor Squeeze Test

  • Exam
  • Hip Adduction Test (Adductor Squeeze Test)
  1. Hip flexed at 45 degrees for one test, then 90 degrees for second test
  2. Examiner places fist between the patients knees
  3. Patient adducts both hips to compress the examiners fist
  • Exam
  • Single Hip Adductor Test
  1. Hip flexed to 30 degrees passively
  2. Patient resists adduction against resistance
  • Exam
  • Bilateral Hip Adductor Test
  1. Technique
    1. Patient flexes hips to 30 degrees, with slight abduction and leg internal rotation
    2. Patient adducts both hips against examiner's resistance
  2. Interpretation
    1. Positive if pain on resistance
  • References
  1. Schleihauf (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(5): 19-28