
Peroneal Subluxation


Peroneal Subluxation

  • Definition
  1. Peroneal Tendon subluxes over lateral malleolus
  • Etiology
  1. Retinaculum torn
    1. Sudden forceful foot dorsiflexion
    2. Contraction of peroneal Muscles
  2. Peroneal tendon lacks support
    1. Loose from groove behind lateral malleolus
  • Signs
  • Peroneal tendon subluxation
  1. Tendon easily seen
  2. Tendon palpated over lateral malleolus
  • Management
  1. Acute: Reduction and Immobilization
    1. Short Leg Walking Cast for 4 weeks
    2. Open repair of Retinaculum
  2. Chronic
    1. Surgical reconstruction of Retinaculum