


Glatiramer, Glatiramer Acetate, Copaxone, Glatopa

  • Indications
  1. Multiple Sclerosis (relapsing-remitting)
  • Mechanism
  1. Non-Interferon, immunomodulatory agent
  2. Structurally similar peptide chain to myelin basic Protein
    1. Polymer contains random sequence and length of 4 Amino Acids (L-Alanine, L-Glutamate, L-Lysine, L-Tyrosine)
  3. Acts as a decoy for immune response
    1. Induces and activates Suppressor T-Cells
    2. Downregulates autoimmune response to myelin basic Protein
  • Medications
  1. Glatiramer Acetate (Copaxone, Glatopa) prefilled syringes for SQ Injection: 20 mg/ml or 40 mg/ml
    1. NOT for IV injection (only SQ Injection)
  • Dosing
  1. Glatiramer Acetate 20 mg/ml SQ daily OR
  2. Glatiramer Acetate 40 mg/ml SQ three times weekly (at least 48 hours between doses)
  3. Rotate injection sites to prevent Lipodystrophy
  • Adverse Effects
  1. Local injection site inflammation
  2. Facial Flushing
    1. Immediate post-injection
    2. May be accompanied by chest symptoms
  3. Chest symptoms (after first month of treatment, typically self-limited)
    1. Chest tightness (transient)
    2. Dyspnea
    3. Palpitations
    4. Throat tightness
    5. Anxiety
  • Safety
  1. Pregnancy Category B
  2. Unknown safety in Lactation
  • Efficacy
  1. Good track record of safety and greater efficacy than Interferon