Middle Cerebral Artery CVA


Middle Cerebral Artery CVA, Cerebrovascular Accident of Middle Cerebral Artery, MCA CVA

  • Epidemiology
  1. Most common Ischemic Stroke territory, accounting for up to 90% of Ischemic Strokes
  • Findings
  • Symptoms and Signs
  1. May be associated with rapid progression in Decreased Level of Consciousness
  2. Contralateral Hemiparesis or Hemiplegia (motor weakness)
  3. Contralateral hemisensory disturbance
    1. Sensory deficit of head (spares forehead) and arm, and to a lesser extent leg
  4. Aphasia occurs with left MCA lesion (dominant hemisphere)
  5. Hemineglect occurs with a right MCA lesion (non-dominant hemisphere)
    1. Denial or lack of recognition of paralyzed extremity
  6. May be associated with eye changes
    1. Conjugate Eye Deviation towards the Brain Lesion
      1. Eyes look toward lesion (contrast with Seizure, in which eyes look away from the lesion)
      2. Inability to turn eyes toward the affected side
    2. Contralateral homonymous Hemianopsia (blindness in same Visual Field of each eye)
  • References
  1. (2019) Neuro-Psych, CCME National Board Review Course, accessed 6/7/2019